From the beginning, AFTA has been a supporter of IIPT and became a coalition partner to actively demonstrate the vision of travel and tourism, one of the world’s largest industries, becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveller is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”
The influence and power of the travel industry and the travelling public cannot be underestimated. Through macro and micro activities, the industry is constantly demonstrating the economic reality of tourist spending to our economy but also in helping to reduce poverty in developing countries. The contribution to international understanding, the importance to the preservation of cultural and historic sites and the value of tourism as a tool to assist in reconciliation, are all part of the initiatives which bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.
IIPT is a not-for-profit organisation and we rely on the tourism industry to help promote the concept of each and every traveller, as well as all travel agents, actively becoming ambassadors for peace. This can be very simple. The mere extension of good will to visitors and hosts can be an act of peace.

IIPT has continued to initiate global peace parks around the world and we are extremely pleased to have the second Australian IIPT peace park at the beautiful and historic location at Q Station, Sydney Harbour National Park. This joins our other Australian peace park at Leura in the Blue Mountains, and with ongoing discussions and negotiations at several other tourist destinations around Australia. This year, the Yunnan Province in China, and Harrisburg in Pennsylvania, USA were also added to our global peace parks project.

The IIPT “Travel for Peace” Tour to Jordan was successfully achieved, with delegates from Australia participating in the special experience. It included an overview of the unique historic and scenic icons of Jordan and the opportunity to visit the UNHCR Syrian Refugee Camp in Azraq, with visits also to a school and refugee families. The visits allowed the IIPT delegates to show solidarity and understanding to the displaced families and reassure them that they are not forgotten people. It was a moment of genuine friendship and peace with the Syrian refugees. Food parcels, clothing and school items were also distributed.
Another notable event was the announcement of the IIPT “Champions of Challenge” at WTM London. This award honours leaders who have stood forward in exceptional times of challenge and have made a real difference through words and actions. IIPT seeks to recognise exceptional leaders who embody the power of tourism to bring peace and stability.
On a more local level, IIPT has contributed to a number of tourism conferences and summits, including the World Indigenous Tourism Alliance in Waitangi, New Zealand, the UNWTO Regional Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Tourism Development in Fiji and the Australian Indigenous Tourism Conference in Lorne, Victoria. The future for IIPT is still strong, as the world continues to seek peace. The tourism industry is still one of the strongest and most valuable tools that we have to achieve this. Without peace there is no tourism industry.

Peace parks, recognition of leaders and participation in tourism conferences are some of the ways that demonstrate tourism’s role in promoting peace. The other most important role is the Australian travel agent. We want you to take up the challenge and actively supporting IIPT, adopting the credo of the peaceful traveller and promoting at every opportunity the importance of responsible and sustainable tourism which leads to a peaceful world.