Charlene Bennetts

Charlene Bennetts IIPT Australia

Charlene Bennetts IIPT Australia

Charlene has over 17 years of Travel Technology experience and is committed to deliver the most appropriate solutions for an organisation to achieve its business goals. As her career expands within the travel industry, she has a passion to be more involved in Sustainable Tourism – to make a difference in the world, specifically in relation to poverty alleviation and ecotourism. Currently she is working at Intrepid Travel.

Charlene is a proud mother of an 8-year-old boy. She practices mixed martial arts regularly and teaches the children’s classes on the weekends, which her son also attends. Charlene enjoys playing the piano every evening to unwind.


Azraq Refugee Camp – IIPT AU


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  1. IIPT Australia – Peace through Tourism

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