“We Were Able To Send Tourists To Go Into Space, Now It’s The Time To Bring Them Back On The Earth And Build Together A Better Future Of Peace And Global Understanding”. Celebrating The World Tourism Day
By Reflecting On New Challenges For Tourism And Peace

World Tourism Day, a day that the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) celebrates by taking the opportunity for reflections on its activities, pointing out a “state of the art”, and finally looking at the future of its commitment. 2019 was a very successful year for IIPT, with major events such as the “IIPT Regional Initiative Awards” during the GTTRC Asian Resilience Summit in Kathmandu on May 31; the launch of the first On-Line Course on Tourism and Peace, to which over 600 students are currently enrolled; the recognition of the IIPT-Iran Chapter as “new idea that promotes tourism’s role in the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”, Tourism for SDGs, platform developed by the UNWTO ( http://tourism4sdgs.org/initiatives/international-institute-for-peace-through-tourism-iran-chapter/
). And these are just some of the great achievements of this year. We work hard, and we are doing great!
Though, in order to renew our commitment and motivation, before planning for the next year, we use this moment of the year – namely, the period that goes from September 21st, International Day of Peace, and September 27th, World Tourism Day, creating thus an ideal, symbolic bridge between Peace and Tourism – to reflect on the value of our global commitment. Well, talking about tourism as a vehicle of peace is certainly fascinating, but let us not be misled by the enthusiasm and the apparent simplicity of the conceptual association between tourism and peace. It is time to bring the debate to another level, so let’s set today, in the world tourism day 2019, a historical mark in this debate. Does tourism create peace? Surprisingly, the answer is: “no!” Or rather, not necessarily and, certainly, not automatically! For instance, studies have shown that international tourism activities, rather than diminishing the stereotypical perception of a destination by visitors, it actually to some extend reinforces it! What does it mean? Is it tourism, in itself, a vehicle for peace? Once again, the answer is: no! Tourism potentially represent a vehicle for peace!
And what the implications of this statement are?
Well, the work to create the necessary conditions for tourism to effectively become a vehicle of peace, is still mainly to be done! And this work passes largely through the adoption of an integrated and complex outlook to the creation of a culture of peace and human development. A vision in which tourism must to be allied with the public participation in the promotion of cultural heritage; with formal, informal and non-formal education; with cultural diplomacy and international relations, etc.
Well, in this complex scenario the IIPT arises not just as a pioneer (IIPT was founded in 1986!), but continues to be leader in the activities that, step by step, are creating the conditions above described, and those complex associations between different sectors. Activity after activity, event after event. Because when we, the IIPT, talk about peace through tourism, we talk about education for peace, we talk about environment, we talk about inner peace, we talk about SDGs and the creation of a more just, fraternal and solidary world for all! Because peace is not just the absence of armed conflicts.
The path may therefore be more complicated than we thought, but today we can say that our commitment and our motivation are renewed and strengthened. And we are proud to be the leaders in the path towards the creation of a culture of peace and global understanding. Because history teaches us that everything is possible, if the will exists. We have that will, and in this sense, I keep saying as a mantra: “we were able to send tourists to go into space, now it’s the time to bring them back on the earth and build together a better future of peace and global understanding”. Happy World Tourism Day!