Welcome to the premier edition of the new version of the IIPT newsletter June 2024

With the passing of the baton from founding president, Louis D’Amore to new president Ajay Prakash, along with a re-imagined logo and branding, it seemed a perfect time to revive the newsletter tradition.
Every one of us wishes to expand peace initiatives, and it is hsoped that by sharing news and information about the projects and plans everyone has going on in all of the chapters, and by distributing this information to affiliated organizations, we can move peace forward.
First in this issue is a letter from our IIPT president, which is followed by news from a few of the chapters. This is a perfect place to communicate your news and concerns, and this newsletter is only as good as the contributions that are sent in. The newsletter is intended to be distributed monthly, so please send all of your text, pictures and video/web links to:
Click here for June newsletter in PDF file: https://peacetourism.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Newsletter-June.pdf