The Peace through Tourism Festival will start on 21st September – International Day of Peace – and will culminate on 27th September – World Tourism Day, so that the event itself will symbolically represent a bridge between tourism and peace. A unique event concept from an original idea by Fabio Carbone, ambassador at large of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism and IIPT special envoy for Iran, and organized by the IIPT-Iran Chapter. Fabio Carbone and his team in Tehran are finalizing the preparation of the first edition of the Festival that will count with numerous participants for the seminars, workshops and master classes included the program. The opening session will count with the presence of Taleb Rifai, former Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, IIPT Chairman and International Advisory Board and the director and founder of the IIPT, Louis d’Amore. The session will be opened by the performance of the Italian pianist Daniela Roma, from the United States, and the Iranian guitarist Mahan Malek, from Iran.

“Tourism – explains Carbone – continues to be seen almost exclusively as a vehicle for economic development, neglecting the social aspect of the phenomenon, therefore its potential as a promoter of dialogue, global understanding and peace. The IIPT globally promotes the idea of a ‘Higher Purpose of Tourism” through initiatives that raise awareness of the public and private sector and travelers themselves. In this particular period of strong geopolitical instability, and the insecurity perceived by each of us worldwide, the optimistic message and the appeal to actively contribute to the creation of a more just world therefore assumes fundamental importance “.
In this context, Fabio Carbone quotes Gino Strada, Italian war surgeon, human rights and peace activist, and founder of Emergency: “We are not pacifists, we are against war”, to underline the commitment to an approach which will not be naive, but rather pragmatic and scientific, realistic and reasoned. And this is what is going to happen from 21 to 27 September during the Peace through Tourism Festival: the theme of peace through tourism will be debated from different points of view – from local identity to cultural heritage management; from gender equality to inclusiveness; from the role of museums to that of travelers and local populations.
Citing Taleb Rifai in his latest speech as Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, Carbone concludes: “Regardless of the sector we work in, we should never forget that our core business is to make the world a better place.”
I am interested for tourism research.
Who can attend the festival? Does the diacussions available virtually? Kindly guide. Regards
Happy to know about such an event. Kindly guide if I can attend or listen discussions virtually. Regards