Louis D’Amore, IIPT Founder and President – Global Peace Parks Project – Building on its “Peace Parks across Canada Project” commemorating Canada’s 125th birthday, IIPT Peace Parks have since been dedicated as legacies of IIPT Global Summits and International Conferences; as featured events on Opening Day of two UNWTO General Assemblies and other significant events. IIPT Peace Parks are now located in some 450 cities on every continent except Antarctica. Goal of the 2021 Global Peace Parks project is to have 2000 Peace Parks circling the earth by the end of the year. Organizations wishing to dedicate an IIPT Peace Park in their city or Town are invited to contact IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore, email: ljd@iipt.org
Donald King, IIPT Board of Directors – IIPT Partnership with the Azraq Community Refugee Center in Jordan with the goal of providing humanitarian assistance for Syrian refugees in the Center. Many Syrian refugees fled to Jordan with the conflict that developed in Syria. Many are living in tents, some in tents outside Azraq where a Community Center has been set up to provide basic education for children of the camp. The project aims to provide assistance to the Center. The second part of the project is to promote the Azraq Wetlands Preserve, together with the adjacent ecolodge, as a viable destination for tourists.
24 minute to 32 minutes on video below
Maga Ramasamy, President, IIPT Indian Ocean Chapter – Achievements and plans for 2021. The IIPT Mauritius Chapter has been instrumental in promoting the” IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler to airline passengers and a major Travel Trade shows including World Travel Market and ITB; organizing an IIPT Symposium in Mauritius; dedicating Port Saint Louis as an IIPT City of Peace; and launch of the Indian Ocean Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Network. Plans for 2021 include Protection from Child Exploitation in the Region; Zero Cabin Waste Management in the Region; and Protecting Biodiversity.
‘Maga Ramasamy’ maga@intnet.mu
33.30 minute to 47.30 minutes on video below
Ms. Mmatsatsi Ramawela, President, IIPT Southern Africa Chapter – The newly formed IIPT Southern Africa Chapter will be formally launched at World Travel Market Africa in April. The Chapter will create a platform that will engage stakeholders from various sectors of the tourism industry to create an enabling environment for tourism to flourish and to promote peace in the region through the dedication of IIPT Peace Parks. Emphasis will be placed on demonstrating the benefits of tourism including sustainable development, promotion and enhancement culture, protection of wildlife and benefits to local communities. The IIPT Southern Africa Chapter will encourage collaboration among stakeholders to recover from COVID-19. Ramawela33@gmail.com
48.30 minutes to 59 minutes in video below
Ajay Prakash, IIPT Executive Vice President and President, IIPT India – Community Farm – Ajay has a farm where he will form a community farm linked to tourism in a local way focusing on what every person can do in a small way together with local administration of the region and getting students of Vice President Kiran Yadav to do a survey of the local communities.
‘Ajay Prakash’ ajay@iipti.in
hour and 30 second mark to 1.0 hour 9 minutes in video below
Andreas Larentzakis, Member of the IIPT Family – IIPT PeaceTravellers Platform
Project aim is to take the concept of peace through tourism directly to travelers – inviting every traveler to be an Ambassador for Peace. We are all inspired by the IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler and IIPT’s concept of peace. The idea is simple – to build a platform where travelers will come to build their travel arrangements through businesses that will share their products – bringing consumers to directly interact with businesses while at the same time spreading the message of ‘Peace through Tourism’ to both consumers and businesses.
Andreas Laren alaren2013@gmail.com
1 hour 11 minutes to about 1 hour 20 minutes in video below
Nikki Rose, Member of the IIPT Family – Peace with Food
Nikki is a professional chef who operates a “Culinary School Without Walls” in Crete with the aim of being ‘culture and heritage protectors’ and demonstrating the original culinary traditions of Crete from archaeological treasures through to current traditional culinary practices and demonstrating them to Culinary students from countries with organic farmers, chefs, botanists, archeologists.and other disciplines.
Nikki Rose nikkirose@cookingincrete.com
1 hour 20 minutes to 1 hour 25 minutes in video below
Diana McIntyre Pike, President, IIPT Caribbean – Community Tourism
Transforming communities through community tourism that incorporates sustaining and enhancing communities through community development, entrepreneurship. inclusive innovation and civic participation. A business plan is being developed with each community and the concept of ‘Adopt a Village’ program has been encouraged. The Manchester Peace Coalition has been established to develop a way forward in a very positive way for 18 at risk communities.
Diana McIntyre-Pike iiptcaribbean@yahoo.com
1 hour 27 minute to 1 hour 43 minutes in video below
Gail Parsonage, President, IIPT Australia – Celebration of IIPT Australia 20th Anniversary The IIPT Australia Chapter has a three point plan – continue to collaborate with the University of Technology in Sydney for the IIPT Peace Traveler Award; An Olive Tree trekking route in Turkey that incorporates the archaeological and current olive tree locations with an emphasis in Izmar/Urla and Canakkali/Gallipoli Turkey where IIPT Peace Parks will be located as focal points along the route; and a celebration of the 20 th Anniversary of IIPT Australia. Discussions are already underway with the Governor of New South Wales and her administration for ceremony in Government House with the Governor as the Guest of Honor as well as a Symposium on that day with industry colleagues.
Gail Parsonage iiptaust@gmail.com
1 hour 44 minutes to 1 hour 52 minutes on video below
Reza Soltani, Director, IIPT Marketing – Peace Tours to Chernobyl, Hiroshima and North Korea.
1 hour 52.35 minutes to 1 hour 56 minutes in video below
Fabio Carbone, IIPT Ambassador at Large and President, IIPT Iran – Festival of Peace, Iran and IIPT History Project
A weeklong festival of Peace through Tourism on the Tabiat Bridge in Tehran, from September 21, the UN International Day of Peace to 27 September, World Tourism Day. The second project is with involvement of three students from ROMA TRE University who will research the history and impacts of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism IIPT.
Fabio Carbone fabiocarbone.pro@gmail.com
1 hour 56 minutes to 2 hours 7 minutes in the video below
Louis D’Amore, IIPT Founder and President
Dr, Taleb Rifai, Chairman IIPT International Advisory Board
Thomas Steinmetz, Founder and Chairman, World Tourism Network
Closing Remarks
2 hours 7 minutes to 2 hours 18 minutes in video below
this organisation is definitely whats needed to attain lasting peace globally.